Real Estate

ZAEIM Tech > Real Estate

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Sat-Thu 9:00 - 6:00

Real Estate:

Property Listing Platform: 360° Virtual Tours: Partner with existing virtual tour creation services like Matterport to offer immersive 360° tours that showcase properties in high detail.

AI-powered Search: Implement AI-powered search functionalities that allow users to filter properties based on specific criteria like neighborhood amenities, commute times to specific locations, or desired school districts.

Property Management Tools: Online Rent Payments: Integrate with online payment processing systems for secure and convenient rent collection.

Maintenance Request Management: Develop a system for tenants to submit maintenance requests online, track repair progress, and receive updates from landlords.

Virtual Tour Creation: Interactive Virtual Tours: Develop interactive virtual tours with features like clickable hotspots for additional property information or floor plan overlays for visualizing furniture placement.